“The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere, they’re in each other all along.” ~Rumi
All human beings desire to love and be loved, and those who have found true love have found true meaning and purpose in life. However, to find an ideal partner with whom one can open his or her heart wide is tremendously difficult for most of us, mostly because we don’t know how to recognize if they are meant for us. For this reason, you’ll read here some basic revealing signs that will help you recognize your ideal partner.
When you meet your ideal partner:
1. You will feel as if you know each other forever.
The first thing you will come to experience when you meet your ideal partner is that you’ll feel as if you’ve always been together. You’ll feel that you know one another so well that you can almost fully understand one another. Hence you’ll feel that you can communicate very easily without feeling ashamed or afraid to open up yourself.
2. You will feel that you are intimately connected.
The second sign revealing that will help you recognize your ideal partner is that you’ll feel as if you are one with him or her. Your love for each other will be so overflowing that you’ll feel as if you have become one body and one soul. Your togetherness will make your small egos melt and you’ll experience unconditional love.
3. You will feel at peace with yourself and the world.
Last but not least, a way to come to know if your partner is ideal for you, is that the more you spend time with him or her, the more at peace you will be with yourself and the world around you. You will let go of your worries and negative emotions, and you will start embracing life to the fullest, feeling at home wherever you are, pouring out your love to yourself, the people in your close environment, and even to nature.
“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” ―Max Muller
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